As a pre-school teacher a co-worker and I had been talking about doing spray sidewalk chalk for a about a year now. As always I try to use my own child to gage the age interest/ appropriateness of it all. I have finally put the spray chalk to the test. With a cranky teething 8 month old around I try to stay home those cranky days. We bought our first round at Target from the one dollar bin in the front, but I also found a couple recipes online I can share. The following recipe is what I've found to be most common.
Homemade Spray Chalk Recipe
- 2 cups hot water
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 2 Tablespoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon washable tempura paint.
Mix all ingredients in a mason jar.
Screw lid on tightly, and shake until combined.
Find something to spray!
WARNING: That tree is still blue quite a few rainy days later ;)
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