Thursday, May 18, 2017

Helping our Communities: Community Gardens

Every year we volunteer our time to help the people in our community garden the best we can. Often times the man who runs ours ( he's in the garden daily) and he'll will give my daughter easy tasks like pulling out weeds or moving rocks to a different places. The idea is that the food in our community garden goes to the elderly folks in our direct community and to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter. We are contributing to less suffering for those around us and thinking of others.

 I find my daughters presence heightens moral and the moods of the folks volunteering. My three year old also is learning from other folks in our community ( mostly people we already know in our community reinforcing our place in our community). I know many people at the garden have different methods or experiences she can learn from. So on top of the benefits of gardening mentioned earlier this week ( see homebound activities: gardening) you have an added layer of community involvement directly as well as activism. Bangor Area Giving Garden is always looking of little volunteers to help out in the community. It helps as a bridge between the older folks in the community and the younger!

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