Thursday, May 17, 2018

Book of the Week : Pipsie Nature Detective and the Disappearing Caterpillar

So for weeks I have seen Pipsie Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar has been on display in a classroom I frequent. The little girl on the front of the book reminded me of my daughter and her love for nature. So I hopped onto Minerva and requested this book to find it was a part of a three book series ( Pipsie the Nature Detective: the Lunchnapper and Pipsie the Nature Detective: Turtle Trouble). This is a great book to read along with classics like the Very Hungry Caterpillar , Ten Little Caterpillars, The Caterpillar and the Pollywog and Waiting for Wings . The book itself covers topics such as measuring and growth, the time it takes for the caterpillar to go through a cycle, what caterpillars/butterflies like to eat and how they protect themselves in nature from predators. We did a follow up by going to Murray Hall on the UMaine Campus to see the preserves butterflies on display. This is one of the many UMaine "field trips" we bring our kids on while on campus. The great thing about the Pipsie series ( the three book collection) is that they are free to borrow for folks who have Kindle Unlimited. So if you are more into digital copies this is a great option for you.

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