Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Billy's Pick of the Week

Moose Point State Park is $3 for residents. $1 for children ages 5-11 and free for children under 5. It's located in Searsport only 10 minutes from Belfast and 45 minutes from Bangor via route 1-A E. I also want to throw it out there that some libraries have free  State Park's passes. I know that Bangor and Old Town do for sure, unfortunately Orono does not.

This is one of Billy's favorite State parks and go to picnic areas on a nice sunny day. They have public facilities, Water Fountain, BBQ pit, playground, hiking trails and picnic areas on the ocean. Our two year old can spend HOURS just collecting seashells and dipping her feet in the ocean. There is plenty of green space and woods as well. We can easily spend a majority of the day with a picnic lunch, blanket, beach ball, bucket and pail. Due to it being near the coast I would pack a sweater just incase. It tends to get windy and also there are some steep ledges, but they will have signs and warnings.

Often times if we want to do something a little more we will go into Belfast and pick up lunch at the Belfast Co-op ( very kid friendly) and they usually have arts on display in town. They also have some great game stores and candy shops. Disclaimer, if you go into the Belfast you will be tempted to go over your $15 limit I set.

I attached picture of Moosepoint State Park from our last years trip below to show the views and what is available.

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