Friday, October 14, 2016

Rachel's Pick of the Week: Chimney Pond Trail

First off I will admit, I have not done this trail since I had the kids. However, I will tell you I have done this hike at least a dozen times and have seen families hiking this. When I was college daydreaming about what my family would do on our weekends this was on my list seeing others families do this with young children. I will admit, my daughter has some impressive gross motor skills so this will require some assistance. But, after seeing her on Great Pond Mountain and Eagle Bluff I think if we take our time and rest frequently we would could make a good day of hiking. I am lucky that my husband is superman and would carry her in a carrier for 2 miles if need be. However, I believe she can at least make it half way up to Chimney Pond. We do a lot of urban hiking in our town and make good use of our local land trusts. The reason I am choosing this location is because of the foliage this time of year in Millinocket. This is considered moderate for hiking, it's the only trail on Katahdin that is deemed less than strenuous.

My suggestions are to bring extra water, lots of snacks , one day pack with first aid kit, charged cell phone and backpack carrier for child. If I were to talk my husband into this trip he would also insist on extra set of socks and shoes in your day pack and again in our trunk. I always find myself super exhausted on my way home. We had a designated driver one time I hikes chimney pond, cathedral and saddle. Just an idea for the leaf peeping season :)

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